
class ParallelReceiveBlochOperator(name, gamma, coil_module, time_grid, adc_events, gradient_waveforms=None, rf_waveforms=None, submodules=(), device=None)[source]#

Extends the GeneralBlochOperator with parallel receive functionality. The only additionally required input is an instance of a CoilSensitivity contrast module from the cmrsim.analytic.contrast submodule, which is used internally to apply a spatially dependent weight to the transverse magnetization before summing, in the process of acquiring signals.

The resulting signal is also stored in the ‘time_signal_acc’ attribute, where for the parallel receive case each entry has an additional axis corresponding to the number of coils.

  • name (str) – Verbose name of the module (non-functionally relevant)

  • gamma (float) – gyromagnetic ratio in rad/ms/m

  • coil_module (CoilSensitivity) –

  • time_grid (Tensor) – (n_steps) - tf.float32 - time definition for numerical integration steps

  • gradient_waveforms (Optional[Tensor]) – (#repetitions, #steps, 3) - tf.float32 - Definition of gradients in mT/m

  • rf_waveforms (Optional[Tensor]) – (#repetitions, #steps) - tf.complex64 -

  • adc_events (Tensor) – (#repetition, #steps, 2) - tf.float32 - last axis contains the adc-on definitions and the adc-phase

  • submodules (Tuple[BaseSubmodule, ...]) – List[tf.Modules] implementing the __call__ function returning the resulting phase increment contribution

  • device (Optional[str]) – str



Instance of the cmrsim.analytic.contrast.CoilSensitivity class that is used to compute the positionally dependent sensitivity factors prior to sampling


coil_lookup_module: CoilSensitivity#

Instance of the cmrsim.analytic.contrast.CoilSensitivity class that is used to compute the positionally dependent sensitivity factors prior to sampling

dt_grid: Variable#

Grid containing the differences of specified time_grid - shape: (T-1, )

gamma: float#

Gyromagnetic ration in rad/ms/m specified on instantiation

n_coils: int#
n_repetitions: int#

Number of repetitions derived from specified waveforms