
This modules contains compositions of building blocks commonly used for in defining actual signal acqusition and spatial encoding


balanced_gre_cartesian_line(system_specs, ...)

Generates a gradient sequence to apply phase encoding (0, 1.,0.) direction and a readout including adc-events for a single line in gradient direction (1., 0., 0.).

get_longest_adc_duration(system_specs, ...)

Creates the readout-gradient and prephaser (and balancing rewinder) with maximum flat top duration of the readout gradient, for the specified flat top area (defined by the image resoultion) and a specified total duration.

get_shortest_adc_duration(system_specs, ...)

Computes the shortest possible single-line readout gradient (without prephaser) for the given resolution and matrix size in RO direction.

gre_cartesian_line(system_specs, ...[, ...])

Generates a gradient sequence to apply phase encoding (0, 1.,0.) direction and a readout including adc-events for a single line in gradient direction (1., 0., 0.).

matrix_to_kspace_2d(matrix_size, ...)

Calculates maximal k-space vector and phase encoding for each line for a bottom up filling.

multi_line_cartesian(system_specs, fnc, ...)

Creates a list of sequences, one for each k-space_line for a given single-line-definiton e.g.

pipe_WHIRLED_PEAS(system_specs, interleaves, ...)

Generates WHIRL trajectory from analytic equations from James Pipe.

se_cartesian_line(system_specs, num_samples, ...)

Generates a gradient sequence to apply phase encoding (0, 1.,0.) direction and a readout including adc-events for a single line in gradient direction (1., 0., 0.) for a spin-echo based readout.

single_shot_epi(system_specs, field_of_view, ...)

Defines a single shot EPI readout sequence according to the image configuration.

spiral_pipezwart(system_specs, interleaves, ...)

Generates spiral trajectory.

balanced_gre_cartesian_line(system_specs, num_samples, k_readout, k_phase, adc_duration, delay=<Quantity(0.0, 'millisecond')>, prephaser_duration=None)#

Generates a gradient sequence to apply phase encoding (0, 1.,0.) direction and a readout including adc-events for a single line in gradient direction (1., 0., 0.). After readout prephasers are rewound. Is designed to work for gradient-echo based readouts.

  • system_specs (SystemSpec) – SystemSpecification

  • num_samples (int) – Number of samples acquired during frequency encoding

  • k_readout (Quantity) – Quantity[1/Length] \(FOV_{kx}\) corresponds to \(1/\Delta x\) s

  • k_phase (Quantity) – Quantity[1/Length] \(n \Delta k_{y}\) phase encoding strength of current line

  • adc_duration (Quantity) – Quantity[time] Total duration of adc-sampling for a single TR

  • delay (Quantity) – Defaults to 0 ms

  • prephaser_duration (Optional[Quantity]) – Optional - if not specified the shortest possible duration for the RO/PE prephaser is calculates

Return type:



Sequence object containing RO- & PE-gradients plus rewinders as well as ADC events

get_longest_adc_duration(system_specs, total_duration, num_samples, resolution, balanced=False, additional_kspace_traverse=None)#

Creates the readout-gradient and prephaser (and balancing rewinder) with maximum flat top duration of the readout gradient, for the specified flat top area (defined by the image resoultion) and a specified total duration.

  • system_specs (SystemSpec) –

  • total_duration (Quantity) – Total duration to fit the gradients into.

  • num_samples (int) – Number of samples (used to compute the required k-space traverse)

  • resoultion – Resultion in RO direction (used to compute the required k-space traverse)

  • balanced (bool) – If true, the total duration includes the rewinder after the readout, otherwise not

  • additional_kspace_traverse (Optional[Quantity]) – k-space vector that needs to be traversed during the prephaser, while adhering to the norm of the combined gradient channels being smaller than system_specs.max_grad. If None, no additional traverse is assumed, potentially resulting in higher prephaser amplitudes.

  • resolution (Quantity) –

Return type:

(TrapezoidalGradient, TrapezoidalGradient)


Two trapezoidal gradient objects, one for the prephaser and the other for the readout gradient

get_shortest_adc_duration(system_specs, num_samples, resolution)#

Computes the shortest possible single-line readout gradient (without prephaser) for the given resolution and matrix size in RO direction.

Assumes gradients are ramped with maximum slew-rate.

\[\Delta = 2 a / s_{max} + A / a\]


\[A = k_{max} / \gamma\]
  • system_specs (SystemSpec) –

  • num_samples (int) –

  • resolution (Quantity) –

Return type:

(Quantity, Quantity, Quantity)


flat_duration, rise_time and amplitude of the trapezoidal_gradient

gre_cartesian_line(system_specs, num_samples, k_readout, k_phase, adc_duration, delay=<Quantity(0.0, 'millisecond')>, prephaser_duration=None)#

Generates a gradient sequence to apply phase encoding (0, 1.,0.) direction and a readout including adc-events for a single line in gradient direction (1., 0., 0.). Is designed to work for gradient-echo based readouts.

. ADC:                      ||||||     -> num_samples    .
.                           ______                       .
. RO:      ___________     /      \                      .
.                     \___/                              .
.                      ___                               .
. PE:      ___________/   \________                      .
.                                                        .
.         | delay    |     |     |                       .
.                        adc_duration                    .
  • system_specs (SystemSpec) – SystemSpecification

  • num_samples (int) – Number of samples acquired during frequency encoding

  • k_readout (Quantity) – Quantity[1/Length] \(FOV_{kx}\) corresponds to \(1/\Delta x\) s

  • k_phase (Quantity) – Quantity[1/Length] \(n \Delta k_{y}\) phase encoding strength of current line

  • adc_duration (Quantity) – Quantity[time] Total duration of adc-sampling for a single TR

  • delay (Quantity) –

  • prephaser_duration (Optional[Quantity]) – Optional - if not specified the shortest possible duration for the RO/PE prephaser is calculated

Return type:



Sequence object containing RO- & PE-gradients as well as ADC events

matrix_to_kspace_2d(matrix_size, inplane_resolution)#

Calculates maximal k-space vector and phase encoding for each line for a bottom up filling.

The k-space center will allway be covered by a line, therefore:

  • For an even number of k-space lines the first line at -kmax_pe and the last line is at +kmax_pe - delta_kpe

  • For and odd number the lines are symmetric around the center in pe direction

  • matrix_size (ndarray) – (2, ) Integer array providing the inplane matrix size

  • inplane_resolution (Quantity) – (2, ) Quantity with length-dimension providing the inplane resolution

Return type:

(ndarray, ndarray)


k_max (2, ), k-phase positions in phase encoding direction

multi_line_cartesian(system_specs, fnc, matrix_size, inplane_resolution, dummy_shots=None, **kwargs)#

Creates a list of sequences, one for each k-space_line for a given single-line-definiton e.g. se_cartesian_line, gre_cartesian_line

Example: .. code-block: python

ro_blocks = cmrseq.seqdefs.readout.multi_line_cartesian(

system_specs=system_specs, fnc=cmrseq.seqdefs.readout.gre_cartesian_line, matrix_size=matrix_size, inplane_resolution=inplane_resolution, adc_duration=adc_duration, prephaser_duration=ss_refocus.duration, dummy_shots=dummy_shots)

  • system_specs (SystemSpec) – SystemSpecification

  • fnc (callable) – callable

  • matrix_size (ndarray) – array of shape (2, )

  • inplane_resolution (Quantity) – Quantity[Length] of shape (2, )

  • dummy_shots (Optional[int]) – number of shots without adc-events

  • kwargs – is forwared to call fnc. may not contain num_samples, k_readout, k_phase, prephaser_duration


pipe_WHIRLED_PEAS(system_specs, interleaves, fov, kr_max, freq_max=<Quantity(0, 'hertz')>)#

Generates WHIRL trajectory from analytic equations from James Pipe.

Pipe JG. WHIRLED PEAS: Analytical Equations for Spiral Trajectories and Matching Gradient Waveforms. ISMRM Annual Meeting 2023 Original code can be found at jim-pipe/whirled-peas

  • system_specs (SystemSpec) – SystemSpecifications

  • interleaves (int) – number of interleaved spirals

  • fov (Quantity) – field of view

  • kr_max (Quantity) – \(FOV_{kr, max}\) corresponding to minimal radial resolution \(1/\Delta r\)

  • freq_max (Quantity) – maximum frequency of spiral rotation, optional


se_cartesian_line(system_specs, num_samples, echo_time, pulse_duration, excitation_center_time, k_readout, k_phase, adc_duration, delay=<Quantity(0.0, 'millisecond')>, prephaser_duration=None)#

Generates a gradient sequence to apply phase encoding (0, 1.,0.) direction and a readout including adc-events for a single line in gradient direction (1., 0., 0.) for a spin-echo based readout.

.                excitation center                                  .
.                   |                                               .
.                   |   TE/2 |   TE/2 |                             .
.   ADC:                           ||||||     -> num_samples        .
.                      ___         ______                           .
.   RO:           ____/   \_______/      \                          .
.                      ___                                          .
.   PE:           ____/   \_____________                            .
.           |   |                 |     |                           .
.           delay              adc_duration                         .
.               |    |                                              .
.           pulse_duration                                          .

ValueError – If phase/frequency encoding amplitude would exceed system limits

  • system_specs (SystemSpec) – SystemSpecification

  • num_samples (int) – Number of samples acquired during frequency encoding

  • echo_time (Quantity) –

  • pulse_duration (Quantity) – total time of ss-gradient (including ramps)

  • excitation_center_time (Quantity) – Quantity[Time] Reference time-point to calculate TE from

  • k_readout (Quantity) – Quantity[1/Length] \(FOV_{kx}\) corresponds to \(1/\Delta x\)

  • k_phase (Quantity) – Quantity[1/Length] \(n \Delta k_{y}\) phase encoding strength of current line

  • adc_duration (Quantity) – Quantity[time] Total duration of adc-sampling for a single TR

  • prephaser_duration (Optional[Quantity]) – Optional - if not specified the shortest possible duration for the RO/PE prephaser is calculates

  • delay (Quantity) –

Return type:



Sequence containing the RO/PE prephaser, RO and adc events for a spin-echo read-out

single_shot_epi(system_specs, field_of_view, matrix_size, blip_direction='up', partial_fourier_lines=0, slope_sampling=False, water_fat_shift='minimum', max_total_duration=None, delay=<Quantity(0, 'millisecond')>)#

Defines a single shot EPI readout sequence according to the image configuration. Assumes the prephaser to be as short as possible.

  • ValueError if shortest possible duration is longer than max_total_duration

  • ValueError if water-fat-shift==”maximum” but max_total_duration==None

  • system_specs (SystemSpec) –

  • field_of_view (Quantity) –

  • matrix_size (ndarray) –

  • blip_direction (str) –

  • partial_fourier_lines (int) –

  • slope_sampling (bool) –

  • water_fat_shift (str | float) –

  • max_total_duration (Quantity | None) –

  • delay (Quantity) –

Return type:


.                                                                     .
.           ADC:     |||  |||  |||  |||  |||  |||                     .
.                         ___       ___       ___                     .
.           RO:          /   \     /   \     /   \                    .
.                   \___/     \___/     \___/     \___/               .
.                                                                     .
.           PE:          ____/\___/\___/\___/\___/\_______            .
.                   \___/                                             .
.                                  |  |                               .
.                                adc_duration                         .
Example with Slope sampling
Example with Flat top sampling
  • system_specs (SystemSpec) – cmrseq.SystemSpecs

  • field_of_view (Quantity) – Quantity[Length] - Defines the spatial extend in readout and phase-encoding direction

  • matrix_size (ndarray) – np.ndarray (2, ) - number of samples in readout/phase-encoding direction if partial fourier is enabled the lines are subtracted from this parameter

  • blip_direction (str) – (str) from [‘up’, ‘down’] specifies the direction of phase encoding steps

  • partial_fourier_lines (int) – (int) number of lines to be skipped before k-space center

  • slope_sampling (bool) – if True the unbound method (epi_ramp_sampling) is used, otherwise the unbound method (epi_flat_sampling) is used.

  • max_total_duration (Optional[Quantity]) – Quantity needs to be specified if water-fat-shift is set to maximum.

  • water_fat_shift (Union[str, float]) – one of [‘minimum’, ‘maximum’, #pixels(float)]. Determines the echo-spacing therefore the duration of all according to the formula \(P/(C * (N+1)) = T\) with (P)ixels, (C)hemical shift frequency, (N)umber of k-space lines and (T) Echo spacing

  • delay (Quantity) – Time gap added before the sequence

Return type:


spiral_pipezwart(system_specs, interleaves, kr_max, kr_delta, spiral_type='archimedean', gradient_rewind_type='ramp down', undersampling_type='none', undersampling_start=1.0, undersampling_end=1.0, undersampling_factor=1.0, kz_max=<Quantity(1.0, '1 / meter')>, kz_delta=<Quantity(1.0, '1 / meter')>)#

Generates spiral trajectory. Ported from C code provided along with: Pipe JG, Zwart NR. Spiral trajectory design: A flexible numerical algorithm and base analytical equations. Magn. Reson. Med. 2014;71:278–285 doi: 10.1002/mrm.24675.

Original C code can be found at

Some small changes to indexing when defining rewinder gradients and to address slew rate



If not rewound, gradient waveform does not end on 0 magnitude, therefore it is likely to violate subsequent sequence validation.

  • system_specs (SystemSpec) – SystemSpecifications

  • interleaves (int) – number of interleaved spirals

  • kr_max (Quantity) – \(FOV_{kr, max}\) corresponding to minimal radial resolution \(1/\Delta r\)

  • kr_delta (Quantity) – k-space radial step-length

  • spiral_type (str) – str from [‘Archimedean’, ‘spherical dst’] denoting the type of spiral

  • gradient_rewind_type (str) – From [None, ‘ramp down’, ‘rewind to center’] denoting the type of gradient rewind. If None is specified, the gradient waveform will not end on 0 magnitude, potentially violating subsequent sequence-validation

  • undersampling_type (str) – str from [‘linear’, ‘quadratic’, ‘hanning’] defining the type of undersampling during acquisition

  • undersampling_start (float) –

  • undersampling_end (float) –

  • undersampling_factor (float) –

  • kz_max (Quantity) –

  • kz_delta (Quantity) –

Return type:



Gradient block containing the spiral waveform