
Journal Papers
Universal MIMO Jammer Mitigation
Gian Marti, Christoph Studer
under review
Jammer-Resilient Time Synchronization in the MIMO Uplink
Gian Marti, Flurin Arquint, Christoph Studer
accepted at IEEE TSP
Single-Antenna Jammers in MIMO-OFDM Can Resemble Multi-Antenna Jammers
Gian Marti, Christoph Studer
IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 27, No. 11, pp. 3103–3107, Nov. 2023
Mitigating Smart Jammers in Multi-User MIMO
Gian Marti, Torben Kölle, Christoph Studer
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 71, pp. 756–771, Feb. 2023
Jammer Mitigation via Beam-Slicing for Low-Resolution mmWave Massive MU-MIMO
Gian Marti*, Oscar Castañeda*, Christoph Studer
IEEE Open Journal of Circuits and Systems, Vol. 2, pp. 820–832, Dec. 2021
Encoder-Assisted Communications Over Additive Noise Channels
Amos Lapidoth, Gian Marti
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 66, No. 11, pp. 6607–6616, Nov. 2020
Decoder-Assisted Communications Over Additive Noise Channels
Shraga I. Bross, Amos Lapidoth, Gian Marti
IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 68, No. 7, pp. 4150–4161, Jul. 2020

*These authors contributed equally.
The authors are ordered alphabetically – the order does not indicate the amount of contribution.

Conference, Symposium, and Workshop Papers
Fundamental Limits for Jammer-Resilient Communication in Finite-Resolution MIMO
Gian Marti, Alexander Stutz-Tirri, Christoph Studer
PyJama: Differentiable Jamming and Anti-Jamming with NVIDIA Sionna
Fabian Ulbricht, Gian Marti, Reinhard Wiesmayr, Christoph Studer
Accurate Direct Positioning in Distributed MIMO Using Delay-Doppler Channel Measurements
Benjamin Deutschmann, Christian Nelson, Mikael Henriksson, Gian Marti, Alva Kosasih, Nuutti Tervo, Erik Leitinger, Fredrik Tufvesson
A Jammer-Mitigating 267 Mb/s 3.78 mm2 583 mW 32×8 Multi-User MIMO Receiver in 22FDX
Florian Bucheli, Oscar Castañeda, Gian Marti, Christoph Studer
LoFi User Scheduling for Multiuser MIMO Wireless Systems
Alexandra Gallyas-Sanhueza*, Gian Marti*, Victoria Palhares*, Reinhard Wiesmayr*, Christoph Studer
Active Eavesdropper Mitigation via Orthogonal Channel Estimation
Gian Marti, Christoph Studer
Universal MIMO Jammer Mitigation via Secret Temporal Subspace Embeddings
Gian Marti, Christoph Studer
High Dynamic Range mmWave Massive MU-MIMO with Householder Reflections
Victoria Palhares, Gian Marti, Oscar Castañeda, Christoph Studer
Bit Error and Block Error Rate Training for ML-Assisted Communication
Reinhard Wiesmayr*, Gian Marti*, Chris Dick, Haochuan Song, Christoph Studer
Joint Jammer Mitigation and Data Detection for Smart, Distributed, and Multi-Antenna Jammers
Gian Marti, Christoph Studer
Beam Alignment for the Cell-Free mmWave Massive MU-MIMO Uplink
Jannik Brun, Victoria Palhares, Gian Marti, Christoph Studer
Mitigating Smart Jammers in MU-MIMO via Joint Channel Estimation and Data Detection
Gian Marti, Christoph Studer
Hybrid Jammer Mitigation for All-Digital mmWave Massive MU-MIMO
Gian Marti*, Oscar Castañeda*, Sven Jacobsson, Giuseppe Durisi, Tom Goldstein, Christoph Studer
Beam-Slicing for Jammer Mitigation in mmWave Massive MU-MIMO
Oscar Castañeda*, Gian Marti*, Christoph Studer
Multiuser MIMO Detection With Composite NUV Priors
Gian Marti, Raphael Keusch, Hans-Andrea Loeliger
Why Maximum-A-Posteriori Blind Image Deblurring Works After All
Gian Marti, Boxiao Ma, Hans-Andrea Loeliger
Other Helper Capacities
Amos Lapidoth, Gian Marti, Yiming Yan
Encoder-Assistance for Additive Noise Channels
Amos Lapidoth, Gian Marti
SABRE: Protecting Bitcoin against Routing Attacks
Maria Apostolaki, Gian Marti, Jan Müller, Laurent Vanbever
Heart Sound Classification Using Deep Structured Features
Michael Tschannen, Thomas Kramer, Gian Marti, Matthias Heinzmann, Thomas Wiatowski

Channels with a Helper
Gian Marti
Master's Thesis
  • Abstract
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  •   Awarded with the ETH Medal for outstanding Master's Theses.

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