Jammer Mitigation in Multi-Antenna Communications

Anyone can access the wireless medium—free space. This makes wireless communication systems vulnerable to jamming attacks, where a jammer emits strong interference to make communication signals unintelligible. As wireless communications has grown in significance, so has the threat of jammers. [1], [2], [3] We therefore need ways to mitigate jammers. Techniques like direct-sequence spread spectrum (DSSS)[4] or frequency-hopping spread spectrum (FHSS)[5] improve the robustness to interference but can be overcome by sufficiently powerful jammers. Multi-antenna (MIMO) processing, in contrast, enables the complete removal of jammer interference through spatial filtering,* and offers a more promising path towards jammer-resilient communications. I study fundamental aspects of jamming in MIMO communications, and I work towards the mitigation of jammers using MIMO processing.

*Terms and conditions apply.

Smart Jammer Mitigation

In order to remove jammer interference with a spatial filter, a receiver must acquire knowledge of the jammer's spatial signature (e.g., its angle of arrival, when line-of-sight conditions hold; or its subspace; or its spatial covariance matrix). Estimating this spatial signature is easy for barrage jammers that jam continuously and with static transmit strategy. For smart jammers that try to evade estimation, however, estimating that spatial signature is much more challenging. In particular, smart jammers might cease jamming whenever the receiver tries to estimate their signature, or they might use time-varying beamforming (if they have multiple antennas) to continuously change their signature. In my research, I developed method to mitigate such smart jammers.
In particular, I developed two methods that can perform channel estimation and data detection while mitigating smart jammers. The first of these methods is called joint jammer mitigation and data detection (JMD), and is described in the following papers:

Mitigating Smart Jammers in Multi-User MIMO
Gian Marti, Torben Kölle, Christoph Studer
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 71, pp. 756–771, Feb. 2023
Joint Jammer Mitigation and Data Detection for Smart, Distributed and Multi-Antenna Jammers
Gian Marti, Christoph Studer

Whitin the scope of a student project that I supervised, we have also implemented a JMD-type algorithm as an application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC). The resulting chip, Sandman, is not just the first MIMO receiver ASIC that can mitigate smart jammers, but the first MIMO receiver ASIC that mitigates jammers at all. Sandman has been presented at the VLSI Symposium 2024:

A Jammer-Mitigating 267 Mb/s 3.78 mm2 583 mW 32×8 Multi-User MIMO Receiver in 22FDX
Florian Bucheli, Oscar Castañeda, Gian Marti, Christoph Studer

Sandman is the first MIMO receiver ASIC that mitigates jammers. It implements the JMD-type algorithm of the same name, and so can even mitigate smart jammers.

The second method that performs channel estimation and data detection while mitigating smart jammers is mitigation via subspace hiding (MASH), and is described in this paper:

Universal MIMO Jammer Mitigation via Secret Temporal Subspace Embeddings
Gian Marti, Christoph Studer

Communication requries more than channel estimation and data detection, however. In fact, before channel estimation and data detection can even begin, medium access control and synchronization need to be achieved. Under (smart) jamming, these tasks also become much harder. Together with a student whose thesis I have supervised, I have proposed a method for time-synchronization in the face of smart jamming attacks, called JASS. The method is described in the following paper which is currently under review:

Jammer-Resilient Time Synchronization in the MIMO Uplink
Gian Marti, Flurin Arquint, Christoph Studer
under review

Jammer Mitigation in Finite- and Low-Resolution MIMO

The above methods for MIMO jammer mitigation are digital, meaning that they operate on the digitized version of the receive signal. Moreover, they are based on a linear signal model: they assume that the digital receive signal is a linear superposition of the legitimate communication signal, the jammer interference, and the noise. However, converting the analog receive signal into the digital domain necessarily involves nonlinear quantization, which is at odds with a linear signal model. In my reseach, I have proved information-theoretically that strong jammers exacerbate the adverse impact of quantization noise, and that the resolution of the quantization must improve by 1 bit for every 6.02dB of additional jamming power in order for digital jammer mitigation to remain possible:

Fundamental Limits for Jammer-Resilient Communication in Finite-Resolution MIMO
Gian Marti, Alexander Stutz-Tirri, Christoph Studer

The mutual information between finite-resolution receive signals and legitimate transmit signals decreases as the jammer power increases.
This figure shows cumulative distribution functions (CDFs) of an upper bound on said mutual information for a MIMO receiver with 2bit ADCs.

The issue of quantization noise is essentially pronounced in millimeter-wave (mmWave) massive MIMO systems, which are expected to rely on low-resolution analog-to-digital converters (ADCs). To alleviate the issue of exacerbated quantization noise, we have proposed hybrid methods where the jammer interference is largely prevented from reaching the ADCs through analog processing:

Hybrid Jammer Mitigation for All-Digital mmWave Massive MU-MIMO
Gian Marti*, Oscar Castañeda*, Sven Jacobsson, Giuseppe Durisi, Tom Goldstein, Christoph Studer
Jammer Mitigation via Beam-Slicing for Low-Resolution mmWave Massive MU-MIMO
Gian Marti*, Oscar Castañeda*, Christoph Studer
IEEE Open Journal of Circuits and Systems, Vol. 2, pp. 820-832, Dec. 2021

Other Topics in MIMO Jammer Mitigation

Whitin the scope of a Master's thesis that I supervised, we wanted to leverage the power of machine learning for understanding jamming and jammer mitigation. For this, we developed PyJama, an open-source library built on top of NVIDIA Sionna. PyJama brings jamming and anti-jamming capabilites to NVIDIA Sionna, and it does so in fully differentiable fashion. We then used PyJama for learning to jam, specifically, for learning how to optimally allocate jamming energy to different OFDM symbols. The PyJama library, as well as our results, are described in the following paper:

PyJama: Differentiable Jamming and Anti-Jamming with NVIDIA Sionna
Fabian Ulbricht, Gian Marti, Reinhard Wiesmayr, Christoph Studer
How to optimally allocate jamming power to different OFDM symbols depends on the total energy budget and on the number of user equipments (UEs) that are simultanously active in the attacked multi-user MIMO uplink system.

I also investigated what happens in OFDM-MIMO under jamming when jammers violate the cyclic-prefix structure required by OFDM. It turns out that single-antenna jammers, whose interference would occupy a one-dimensional subspace of the signal space as long as the channels are frequency-flat, can occupy a subspace with dimension up to \(L\) when the channels are time-dispersive (where \(L\) is the number of non-zero channel taps). Thus, single-antenna jammers look like multi-antenna jammers, and are therefore harder to mitigate. The issue is expounded in the following paper:

Single-Antenna Jammers in MIMO-OFDM Can Resemble Multi-Antenna Jammers
Gian Marti, Christoph Studer
IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 27, No. 11, pp. 3103–3107, Nov. 2023

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