On this page, you will find all relevant information regarding your Image Analysis and Computer Vision course, taught by Prof. Ender Konukoglu and Prof. Fisher Yu.
This course aims at offering a self-contained account of computer vision and its underlying concepts, including the recent use of deep learning. The first part starts with an overview of existing and emerging applications that need computer vision. It shows that the realm of image processing is no longer restricted to the factory floor, but is entering several fields of our daily life. First the interaction of light with matter is considered. The most important hardware components such as cameras and illumination sources are also discussed. The course then turns to image discretization, necessary to process images by computer. The next part describes necessary pre-processing steps, that enhance image quality and/or detect specific features. Linear and non-linear filters are introduced for that purpose. The course will continue by analyzing procedures allowing to extract additional types of basic information from multiple images, with motion and 3D shape as two important examples. Finally, approaches for the recognition of specific objects as well as object classes will be discussed and analyzed. A major part at the end is devoted to deep learning and AI-based approaches to image analysis. Its main focus is on object recognition, but also other examples of image processing using deep neural nets are given.
Overview of the most important concepts of image formation, perception and analysis, and Computer Vision. Gaining own experience through theoretical and programming exercises.
Basic concepts of mathematical analysis and linear algebra. The programming part of the exercises is based on Python and Linux. The course language is English.
The lectures will proceed with live attendence every Thursday, between 14:15-17:00, at HG F1.
The course will include 6 programming based exercises. In order to be eligible to answer the final exam, you will need to pass at least 3 of the 6 exercises. Additionlly, you will get a +0.25 bonus grade if you finish all 6 exercises. The course will also have lab sessions every Thursday, between 17:15-19:00, at ETZ D61. The teaching assistants will be available during the lab sessions in case of difficulties related to the exercises. Attendence to the lab sessions is totally optional. More details about the exercises will be announced later.
Performance Assessment
Different parts of the lecture will be assessed in a maximum 2 hours written exam in English. Doctoral students who participate at the course to earn ECTS points will receive a “Testat” without taking the written examination if their department rules allow this and provided they successfully complete all 6 exercises. All other students must take the written examination.
Lecture Schedule
Here is a rough lecture schedule for the semester (may be updated during the course of the semester):
Week # |
Date |
Title |
1 |
22.09.2022 |
Introduction and Digital Image Formation |
2 |
29.09.2022 |
Sampling and Enhancement |
3 |
06.10.2022 |
Feature Extraction and PCA |
4 |
13.10.2022 |
Color and Texture |
5 |
20.10.2022 |
Traditional Object Recognition and Segmentation |
6 |
27.10.2022 |
3D |
7 |
03.11.2022 |
Tracking and Optical Flow |
9 |
10.11.2022 |
Deep Learning - Basics |
10 |
17.11.2022 |
Deep Learning - CNN |
11 |
24.11.2022 |
Deep Learning - Recognition |
12 |
01.12.2022 |
Deep Learning - Segmentation |
13 |
08.12.2022 |
Deep Learning - Regression |
14 |
15.12.2022 |
Unsupervised Learning |
14 |
22.12.2022 |
Advanced Topics and Challenges |