Florian Dörfler, Prof. Dr.


Automatic Control Laboratory (IfA)
Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ITET)
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zürich
Center affiliations: NCCR Automation, AIC, ESC, CLS
ETH Didactic Fellow


Office:       ETL I 26
Phone:      +41 44 632 1211
Email:      mbox{dorfler@ethz.ch}
Address:   Physikstrasse 3, 8092 Zürich, Switzerland
Page:        Official ETH Zürich profile
Orcid:       0000-0002-9649-5305

I am a Full Professor at the Automatic Control Laboratory at ETH Zürich. I am privileged to work with an outstanding research group on topics centered entered around automatic control, system theory, and optimization with applications primarily in the energy domain.

For the non-scientific audience: if you want to learn more about myself and my discipline, then take a look at this podcast, this interview, or this one. For all the experts, feel free to explore slides, papers, courses, and collaborations linked from this page.

News & Updates

  • 2021: I am in charge of organizing NecSys 22, a conference that I have always been very fond of.

Please also check out also the institute news website for further updates, announcements, and events.


My general research interests are centered around automatic control, system theory, and optimization. My particular foci are on network systems, data-driven settings, and applications to power systems. My group has pioneered many theory methods that also found their way into industrial applications in the energy domain.

Topics of recent interest include

  • data-driven control,

  • online feedback optimization,

  • control in low-inertia power systems, and

  • decision making in measure spaces.

An updated list of publications, preprints, and technical reports can be found here or on Google Scholar.

Below are some indicative slides and online talks summarizing our work. Take a look here for tutorial slides and here for further research presentations.

INI 2019

Online Feedback Optimization

Technion 2020 DeePC

Data-Enabled Predictive Control

ECC 2024

LQR Learning Pipelines

PIK 2017

Virtual Oscillator Control of Converters

INI 2023

Power-Electronics-Dominated Power Systems

ETH 2020

Dynamic Virtual Power Plant Control

PIK 2017

DeePC of Autonomous Energy Systems

OT 2023

Propagate Distributional Uncertainty

ETH 2020

Game Theoretical Inference in Social Networks

Data-Enabled Predictive Control

Online Feedback Optimization

Deployment of Feedback Optimization

Advanced Grid-Forming Controls

Game Theoretical Inference in Social Networks

Teaching, Projects, Seminars, & Outreach

I am involved in various lecturing, tutoring, and seminar activities; see the left column for a few snippets. If you are interested in bachelor, group, semester, or master projects, then take a look here, see the institute page, or directly contact members of my team who regularly advise such projects.

My profile on Google Scholar, my Twitter/X channel, my full Curriculum Vitae, and a biosketch.