Conference Papers
- Maager, F., Hohermuth, B., Boes, R.M., Weitbrecht, V, (2023), Artificial step-pool
sequences: Do they have a self-stabilizing character?,
40th IAHR World Congress
- Spreitzer,
G., Schalko, I., Boes,
R.M., Weitbrecht, V., (2022) Quantification of large wood (LW) impact
forces at field-scale using SmartWood,
Proceedings of the 39th IAHR World Congress, 5182-5190
- Schalko, I., Weitbrecht, V. (2022), Managing
wood and bedload transport in rivers with inclined rack structures, 39th
IAHR World Congress, 2257-2264
- Maager, F., Hohermuth, B., Boes, R.M., Weitbrecht, V, (2022), Effect of discharge variations
and sediment supply on the stability of artificial step-pool sequences,
39th IAHR World Congress, 1135-1144
- Spreitzer,
G., Schalko, I., Boes,
R.M., Weitbrecht, V., (2021), Video footage from drones for
Structure-from-Motion photogrammetry-A practical and rapid assessment
method for large wood accumulations in rivers?,
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU21-4966
- Spreitzer,
G., Schalko, I., Boes,
R.M., Weitbrecht, V., (2021), Innovative Sensors for Measuring Large
Wood (LW) Movement Dynamics in Rivers, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2021,
- Schalko, I., Ruiz-Villanueva, V., Maager, F., Weitbrecht, V., (2021), Bedload
continuity and wood retention at inclined bar screens, AGU Fall Meeting
Abstracts 2021, EP55B-1120
- Deter,
M., Weitbrecht, V., (2020), Determining image-based grain size
distribution with suboptimal conditioned photos, River Flow, 1045-1052,
Delft, The Netherlands
- Schalko, I., Ruiz-Villanueva, V., Weitbrecht,
V., (2020), Effect of wood accumulation on sediment continuity at
permeable sediment traps, River Flow, 1620-1625, Delft, The Netherlands
- Maager, F., Hohermuth, B., Boes, R.M., Weitbrecht, V., (2020), Effect of bank roughness on
step-pool systems in steep channels, River Flow 2020, 484-492, Delft,
The Netherlands
- Wyss,
A., Hinkelammert-Zens, F., Röber,
I., Weitbrecht, V., (2020), How to maintain sediment continuity at the
intake of a flood diversion tunnel, River Flow 2020, 2260-2268, Delft,
The Netherlands
- Schalko I., Ruiz-Villanueva V., Weitbrecht V.,
(2020), Effect of wood accumulation on sediment continuity at permeable
sediment traps. River Flow 2020, Delft, The Netherlands (Abstract
submitted to the special session ‘Instream wood: restoration
opportunities, flood-related hazards, and management practices’).
- Rachelly, C., Weitbrecht, V., Boes, R.M., (2019), Grain-Scale Roughness
Classification in the Laboratory. Proc. of the 11th Symposium on River,
Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics,
Auckland, New Zealand, 37
- Maager F., Hohermuth B., Weitbrecht V., Boes R.,
(2019), Einfluss der Blockanordnung auf die Stabilität gebauter
Stufen-Becken-Abfolgen in Wildbächen. 21. Treffen junger
WissenschaftlerInnen deutschsprachiger Wasserbauinstitute, Karlsruhe,
Germany, pp.83-150.
- Rachelly, C., Albayrak, I., Weitbrecht, V., Boes, R.M., (2019), Bed-load diversion with a vortex
tube system. Proc. of the 38th IAHR World Congress, Panama City, Panama,
5900 - 5909.
- Schalko I., Schmocker
L., Weitbrecht V., Boes R.M., (2019), Inclined
large wood retention racks: scour and backwater rise. 4th Wood in World
Rivers Conference, Valdivia, Chile.
- Maager, F., Hohermuth,
B., Weitbrecht, V., Boes, R.M., (2019)
Influence of Block Arrangement on Stability of Man-made Step-Pool
Sequences in Steep Mountain Streams, E-proceedings of the 38th IAHR
World Congress
- Rachelly, C., Weitbrecht, V., Vetsch, D.F., Boes, R.M., (2018), Morphological development of
river widenings with variable sediment supply. Proc. River Flow 2018,
Lyon, France.
- Gerke, E., Hohermuth, B., Weitbrecht, V., (2018),
Untersuchungen zur Kolkentwicklung und zum Abflussverhalten ab mit
Querschwellen verbauten Gebirgsbächen 19. Wasserbausymposium Graz 2018
- Schalko I., Schmocker L., Weitbrecht V., Boes R.
(2018). Hazards due to
large wood accumulations: Local scour and backwater rise. 9th
International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics, River Flow 2018, Lyon,
- Schalko I., Schmocker L., Weitbrecht V., Boes R.
(2017). Verklausungswahrscheinlichkeit und Aufstau – Aktuelle Forschung
zum Thema Schwemmholz an der VAW. Proc. Symposium “Naturgefahren – von
der Sturzflut zur Schwemmholzverklausung”, TU München, Mitteilung 137,
P. Rutschmann (Eds.), ISBN 978-3-943683-12-7: 75-84
- Schalko I., Schmocker L., Weitbrecht V., Boes R.
(2017). Backwater rise
due to large wood accumulations: Effect of organic organic
fine material. European Geosciences Union General Assem-bly 2017, Vienna, Austria
- Schmocker L., Schalko I., Weitbrecht V. (2017). Effect of large wood
retention at check dams on sediment continuity. European Geosciences
Union General Assembly 2017, Vienna, Austria
- Schalko I., Schmocker L., Weitbrecht V., Boes R.
(2016). Modeling the
effect of organic fine material in a driftwood accumulation on backwater
rise. Proc. River Flow 2016, St. Louis, USA, Constantinescu, Garcia
& Hanes (Eds.), ISBN 978-1-138-02913-2: 2326-2332
- Ruiz-Villanueva,
V.; Badoux, A.; Boes,
R.; Rickenmann, D.; Rickli, C.; Schalko, I.; Schmocker,
L.; Schwarz, M.; Steeb, N.; Stoffel, M.; Weitbrecht, V., (2016), Large
wood management in rivers - a practice-oriented research project in
Switzerland [Abstract]
In: Koboltschnig, G. (ed) 13th Congress Interpraevent 2016. 30 May to 2 June 2016, Lucerne,
Switzerland. Extended Abstracts. Living with natural risks. Luzern,
International Research Society Interpraevent.
- Hohermuth, B., Weitbrecht, V., (2016), Effects of bed-load on flow
resistance and stability in step-pool systems, Proc. 13th ISRS,
Stuttgart Germany
- Detert,
M., Kadinski, L., Weitbrecht, V., (2016),
Feasibility tests to airborne gravelometry for
prealpine rivers. In: Wieprecht,
S. & Noack, M. (eds.) Proceedings of the International Symposium on
River Sedimentation, Stuttgart, Germany. London, Taylor & Francis.
ISBN 978-1-138-02945-3, pp. 1258–1263
- Detert,
M., Huber, F., Weitbrecht, V., (2016), Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-based
surface PIV, Experiments at Surb Creek. In: Constantinescu, G., Garcia,
M., & Hanes, D. (eds.), Proceedings of the Intl. Conference River
Flow 2016, pp. 563–568.
- Ruiz-Villanueva, V., Badoux, A., Boes, R.M., Rickenmann, D., Rickli, C., Schalko,
I., Schmocker, L., Schwarz, M., Steeb, N.,
Stoffel, M., Weitbrecht, V., (2016), Large wood research in Swiss
watercourses, Proc. River Flow 2016, St. Louis, Constantinescu, Garcia
& Hanes (Eds), Taylor & Francis Group, London ISBN
- Hohermuth, B., Hunzinger, L., Weitbrecht, V.,
(2015), Physical experiments to determine the stability of step-pool
systems in mountain torrents, Proc. 36th IAHR World Congress, The Hague,
- Schmocker, L., Brändli,
D., Weitbrecht, V., Boes, R.M., (2015),
Backwater rise due to driftwood accumulations. Proc. 36th IAHR World
Congress, The Hague, Netherlands
- Friedl,
F., Weitbrecht, V., Boes, R.M., (2015), The
role of bank erosion in restoration works in gravel-bed rivers. Proc.
36th IAHR World Congress, The Hague, Netherlands
- Detert,
M., Weitbrecht, V., (2015), Estimation of flow discharge by an airborne
velocimetry system, Proc. Drones et hydraulique,
- Berchtold,
Th., Weitbrecht, V., Vetsch, D., Boes, R.M.,
(2014), Simulation of local river widenings – a matter of 1D or 2D
modelling? Proc. Intl. River Flow Conference (Schleiss, A.J., De Cesare,
G., Franca, M.J., Pfister, M., eds.), ISBN 978-1-138-02674-2, Taylor
& Francis Group, London, UK: 1305-1313.
- Detert,
V., Weitbrecht, V., (2014), Helicopter-based surface PIV experiments at Thur River, Proc. Intl. River Flow Conference
(Schleiss, A.J., De Cesare, G., Franca, M.J., Pfister, M., eds.), ISBN
978-1-138-02674-2, Taylor & Francis Group, London, UK: 2003-2008
- Tamagni,
S., Weitbrecht, V. & Boes, R.M., (2014),
An ecological and engineering view on unstructured block ramps. Proc.
Intl. River Flow Conference (Schleiss, A.J., De Cesare, G., Franca,
M.J., Pfister, M., eds.), ISBN 978-1-138-02674-2, Taylor & Francis
Group, London, UK: 2453-2460
- Wyss,
C.R., Rickenmann, D., Fritschi, B., Turowski,
J.M., Weitbrecht, V., Boes, R.M., (2014),
Bedload grain size estimation from the indirect monitoring of bedload
transport with Swiss plate geophones at the Erlenbach stream. Proc.
Intl. River Flow Conference (Schleiss, A.J., De Cesare, G., Franca,
M.J., Pfister, M., eds.), ISBN 978-1-138-02674-2, Taylor & Francis
Group, London, UK: 1907-1912
- Berchtold, Th., Vetsch, D., Weitbrecht, V., Boes,
R.M., (2014), Aspekte zur Simulation von Geschiebetransport in kompakten
Gerinnen (Aspects of bed-load transport simulation in narrow open
channels). Proc. Symposium „Wasserbau und Flussbau im Alpenraum“,
VAW-Mitteilungen 227 (R. Boes, ed.), VAW, ETH Zürich: 321-331
- Detert, V., Weitbrecht, V., (2014), Oberflächen-PIV
aus Helikopteraufnahmen (Surface-PIV based on recordings from a
Helicopter), Proc. Symposium „Wasserbau und Flussbau im Alpenraum“,
VAW-Mitteilungen 228 (R. Boes, ed.), VAW, ETH Zürich: 389-398
- Friedl, F., Weitbrecht, V., (2014),
Schwemmholzrückhalt Kleine Schliere (Driftwood retention Kleine Schliere
River), Proc. Symposium „Wasserbau und Flussbau im Alpenraum“,
VAW-Mitteilungen 228 (R. Boes, ed.), VAW, ETH Zürich: 515-525
- Hinkelammert, F., Weitbrecht, V., Boes, R.M.,
(2014), Die Sihl-Durchlässe am Hauptbahnhof Zürich im hydraulischen
Modellversuch (Laboratory experiments on the Sihl River culverts at
Zurich main station). Proc. Symposium „Wasserbau und Flussbau im Alpenraum“,
VAW-Mitteilungen 228 (R. Boes, ed.), VAW, ETH Zürich: 541-551
- Rickenmann, D., Wyss, C.R., Turowski, J.M.,
Weitbrecht, V., Boes, R.M., (2014), Geschiebemessungen mit
Geophonsensoren: Ableitung der Kalibrierfunktion durch Messungen im Feld
und Labor (Bedload transport measurements with geophone sensors:
establishing a calibration function through field and flume
measurements). Proc. Symposium „Wasserbau und Flussbau im Alpenraum“,
VAW-Mitteilungen 227 (R. Boes, ed.), VAW, ETH Zürich: 355-365
- Schmocker, L., Schmidt, M., Hochstrasse, H.,
Detert, M., Weitbrecht, V., (2014), Schwemmholzrückhalt Sihl (Driftwood
retention structure Sihl River), Proc. Symposium „Wasserbau und Flussbau
im Alpenraum“, VAW-Mitteilungen 227 (R. Boes, ed.), VAW, ETH Zürich:
- Schmocker, L., Detert, M., Marti, C., Huber, A.,
Billeter, P., Weitbrecht, V., (2014), Hochwasserentlastungsstollen Sihl
(Spillway tunnel Sihl River), Proc. Symposium „Wasserbau und Flussbau im
Alpenraum“, VAW-Mitteilungen 227 (R. Boes, ed.), VAW, ETH Zürich:
- Boes, R., Seitz, P., Berchtold, T., Vetsch, D.,
Weitbrecht, V., (2013), Hybride Modellierung der Flussaufweitung
Hänggelgiessen, Symposium: Projekt Hochwasserschutz Linth 2000,
Rapperswil, Switzerland
- Berchtold,
Th., Vetsch, D., Weitbrech, V. and Boes, R., (2012), „Simulation of river-bed evolution
due to channel widening”, Proceedings of 34th Hydrology and Water
Resources Symposium (HWRS 2012), pp. 299-307, ISBN 978-1-922107-62-6,
Sydney, Australia
- Weitbrecht,
V., Schmocker, L., (2012), Driftwood retention
in large rivers – a new concept, Proc. River Flow 2012, 1073 - 1080,
Costa Rica
- Detert,
M., Weitbrecht, V., (2012), Automatic object detection to analyze the
geometry of gravel grains – a free stand-alone tool, Proc. River Flow
2012, 595 - 600, Costa Rica
- Tamagni,
S., Weitbrecht, V., Boes, R., (2012),
Experiments on ecohydraulic parameters at
unstructured block ramps, Proc. River Flow 2012, 959 - 966, Costa Rica
- Seitz, P., Berchtold, T., Vetsch, D., Weitbrecht,
V., (2012), Notentlastung des Linthkanals im Überlastfall: Hybride
Modelluntersuchung, 16. Gemeinschafts-Symposium der Wasserbau Institute
TU München, TU Graz und ETH Zürich, Graz
- von Pfuhlstein, M., Epprecht, M., Detert, M.,
Weitbrecht, V., (2012), Der Neue Flaz - Flussbauliches Monitoring an
einem aussergewöhnlichen Projekt, 12th Congress INTERPRAEVENT –
Grenoble, France
- Simonett,
S., Detert, M., Weitbrecht, V., (2012), Drift Wood Retention to minimize
Flood Risk for the City of Zurich - Physical Experiments, 12th Congress
INTERPRAEVENT – Grenoble, France
- Berchtold,
T., Weitbrecht, V., Vetsch, D., Boes, R.
(2011), Numerical modelling of bed level evolution in a channel
enlargement, Proc. River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics
(RCEM2011), Beijing
- Detert, M., Weitbrecht, V. (2011), Automatische
Objekterkennung zur Bestimmung der Korngrößenverteilung von Flusssohlen,
14. Gewässermorphologisches Kolloquium,
Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde,
- Simonett,
S., Weitbrecht, V., Boes, R.M. (2011),
Physical model study on sediment transport in two merging mountain
streams, Proc. Int. Symp. Urban Flood Risk Management, Graz, Austria
- Schmocker, L., Rühli, E., Weitbrecht, V., Boes,
R.M. (2011). Design and
hydraulic modeling of a fuse plug spillway. Proc. ICOLD Symposium „Dams
under changing challenges“, 79th Annual Meeting, Lucerne: in press
- Tamagni,
S., Weitbrecht, V., Boes, R., (2010), Design
of Unstructured Block Ramps: A State-Of-The-Art Review, Proc. River Flow
2010, 729 – 736, Germany
- Schmocker, L., Anhorn, K., Weitbrecht, V., (2010),
Kombinierter Geschiebe- und Holzrückhalt an der Engelberger Aa, 15.
Gemeinschafts-Symposium der Wasserbau Institute TU München, TU Graz und
ETH Zürich, S. 547 - 556, Wallgau
- Tamagni, S., Weitbrecht, V., (2010),
Schwemmholzrückhalt mit parallel angeströmtem Rechen, 15.
Gemeinschafts-Symposium der Wasserbau Institute TU München, TU Graz und
ETH Zürich, S.483 - 492, Wallgau
- Schmocker, L., Ruehli, E., Weitbrecht, V., (2010),
Hochwasserentlastung mittels eines erodierbaren Damms, 15.
Gemeinschafts-Symposium der Wasserbau Institute TU München, TU Graz und
ETH Zürich, S. 155 - 164, Wallgau
- Weitbrecht,
V., Rüther, N., (2009), Laboratory and
Numerical Model Study on Sediment Transfer Processes in an Expanding
River Reach, 33rd IAHR Congress, Vancouver
- Brevis,
W., Weitbrecht, V., Niño Y., Jirka, G.H, (2008), „Three-dimensionality
of the flow structure of emerged shallow dead zone sequences“,
International Symposium of Shallow Flows, Hong Kong
- Delbos, S., Weitbrecht, V., Bleninger, T., Grand, PP., Chassaing,
E., Lincot, D., Kerrec,
O., Jirka G.H., (2008), „Turbulence structure at an electrodeposition
surface induced by jet arrays with random firing”, Proc. 7th European
Fluid Mech. Conf., Manchester
- Brevis,
W., Weitbrecht, V., Niño Y., Jirka, G.H, (2008), “On flow dynamics and
coherent structures in submerged groyne
fields”, Proc. River Flow, IAHR, Turkey, pp. 893-902
- Grand,
P.-P., Delbos, S., Parissi,
L., Kurdi Sicx, J., Bermudez, V., Chassaing, E., Lincot, D.,
Weitbrecht, V., Jirka, G.H, Kerrec, O.,
(2007), Adaptaion of Cu(In,Ga)(S,
Se)2 electrodeposition for large scale photovoltaic devices”, Proc. 22
European Phtotovoltaic Solar Energy
Conference, EU PVSEC, Mailand, Italy
- Rasheduzzaman, M., Weitbrecht, V., Jirka,
G.H., (2007), Experimental studies on vortex dynamics in shallow flows,
Proc. 5th Int. Symp. Environmental Hydraulics, Tempe, Arizona
- Brevis,
W., Weitbrecht V., Niño Y., Jirka, G.H., (2007), „An integrated
cross-correlation/relaxation method algorithm for Particle Tracking
Velocimetry measurements in turbulent flows”, Proc. of HMEM 2007, Lake
- Detert,
M., Weitbrecht, V., Jirka, G.H., (2007), Simultaneous Velocity and
Pressure Measurements using PIV and Multi Layer
Pressure Sensor Arrays in Gravel Bed Flows”, Proc. of HMEM, Lake Placid
- Marek,
M., Stoesser, T., Roberts, P.J.W., Weitbrecht, V., Jirka G.H., „CFD
Modeling of Turbulent Jet Mixing in a Water Storage Tank” Proc. of 32nd
IAHR Congress, Venice
- Kadota,
A., Suzuki K., Rummel A.C., Weitbrecht V., Jirka G.H., „Shallow Flow
Visualization and Coherent Structures around a Single Groyne” Proc. of 32nd IAHR Congress, Venice
- Palau,
G., Weitbrecht, V., Stösser, T., Bleninger, T., Hofmann, B., Maier, M., Roth, K.
(2007) Numerical simulations to predict the hydrodynamics and the
related mixing processes in storage water tanks”, Proc. of 32nd IAHR
Congress, Venice
- Delbos, S., Grand P–P., Fanouillère
P., Weitbrecht V., Jirka G.H., Chassaing E., Lincot D., Kerrec O.,
(2007), „Local scale correlation between hydrodynamics and
electrodeposition for a comb-like stirring system. Application: the
CuInSe2 ternary system”, Proc. of Electro Chemical Society, Chicago
- Viscardi,
J.M., Weitbrecht, V., Pujol, A., Olsen, N.R., and Jirka, G.H., (2006),
„Numerical Simulations on the Paraná de las Palmas River”, Proc. River
Flow 2006, Ferreira et al. (Eds.), pp. 367 - 377
- Detert, M., Weitbrecht, V., Jirka G.H., (2005)
„Druck- und Geschwindigkeitsmessungen in und über rauer Sohle“, Proc. Grenzschicht Wasser und Boden, Ed. J.
Grabe, TU Hamburg-Harburg
- Weitbrecht,
V., Jirka, G.H., „Influence of Dead-Water Zones on the Dispersive Mass
Transport in Rivers”, Poster, AGU Fall Meeting 2004
- Weitbrecht,
V., & Jirka G.H., (2004) „Influence of variable morphological
conditions on the mass transport characteristics in rivers“,Proc.
4rd International Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics, Hong Kong
- Weitbrecht, V., Uijttewaal, W.S.J. & Jirka G.H., (2004) „A
Random Walk approach for Investigating Near-and Far-Field Transport
Phenomena in Rivers with Groin Fields“, Proc. River Flow 2004, IAHR,
Naples, Vol. 2, pp. 1157-1166
- Weitbrecht V., Uijttewaal W.S.J. & Jirka G.H., (2003) „2-D
Particle Tracking to Determine Transport Characteristics in Rivers with
Dead Zones“, Int. Symp. for 'Shallow Flows', IAHR, Delft
- Kurzke,
M., Weitbrecht, V., Jirka G.H. (2002), „Laboratory concentration
measurements for determination of mass exchange between groin fields and
main stream”. Proc. IAHR, River Flows, Belgium
- Weitbrecht,
V. & Jirka, G. (2001) „Flow patterns in dead zones of rivers and
their effects on exchange processes," Proc. 3rd International
Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics, Tempe, USA
- Carmer,
C.F.v., Weitbrecht, V., Jirka, G.H., (2001)
„On the Genesis and Fate of Large Coherent Vortical Structures in
Turbulent Shallow Wake Flows.", Proc. 3rd International Symposium
on Environmental Hydraulics, Tempe, USA
- Uijttewaal, W.S.J., Weitbrecht, V.,von Carmer, C.F. & Jirka, G.H., (2001)
„Experiments on Shallow Flow Turbulence“, Proc. 3rd. International
Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics, Tempe, USA
- Weitbrecht,
V., Jirka, G.H.,(2001) „Flow Patterns and Exchange processes in dead
zones of Rivers” Proc. 29th IAHR Beijing, Theme B, Page 439